

俾斯麦,和 高年级护理系学生格雷西·佐特尼克和乔希·赛普斯都超过了30岁,000 feet in the air and about midway into their three-and-a-half-hour Allegiant flight back to Bismarck from Orlando. The two were invited over Christmas break to join his family for a week of fun at Disneyworld, 环球影城, and some R&R on the beach to reset before their final semester of nursing school started at the University of Mary. 在佛罗里达的哈利波特世界没有体验到足够的魔法, the two were sitting next to each other near the front of the cabin with the magical sounds of “Harry Potter” coming through their noise-cancelling headphones, 就像他们在iPhone上观看内容一样. At this point, it would take quite the disturbance to interrupt them from one of their favorite movies — no matter how many times they had seen it. 

“有人在头顶上宣布,”赛普斯回忆说. “我在看电影的时候听不到,所以我没有马上想太多. My mom looked over at the both of us and said, ‘they are asking for medical personnel down the aisle.’ After this, we both noticed there was a few flight attendants carrying oxygen tanks down the aisle toward an older woman. 所以,我们拿出耳机,看着对方,问:“你准备好了吗??’然后朝那个方向走去. 她离我们大概有10到12条过道. Once we got to the woman, we noticed she was unconscious, so our first reaction was one of concern. There was a respiratory therapist there when we responded who was providing oxygen to the patient. 在我们到达后不久,另一位注册护士(RN)也做出了回应.”

“她脸色极其苍白,瘫坐在座位上,”佐特尼克说. “Our first reaction was to begin asking what had happened to get some background information on what had led up to her losing consciousness. 乔希和我都帮助评估了她的意识水平并测量了她的生命体征. We both helped the respiratory therapist with administering oxygen and switching tanks when they became empty. I also assisted the woman with drinking some orange juice when she began to regain consciousness as we believed she was hypoglycemic due to not eating breakfast or lunch that day before the flight.” 

根据Zottnick和Sipes的说法, the pilot was in constant contact with the flight attendants and assessing how the 70-year-old woman was doing, 是什么导致了这种情况, 以及她可能患有的任何潜在疾病. The flight attendants were recording the vitals from Zottnick and Sipes and getting them supplies, 比如血压袖带, stethoscope, 氧气罐、面罩和其他所需设备. 在这段时间里,乘客们都很冷静,也很尊重这种情况. 他们在MG冰球突破试玩接受的教育和培训很快进入了高潮.

“我认为护理的基本abc(气道), breathing, 当我们做出回应时,发行量开始上升,佐特尼克说. “We first checked to make sure that she was breathing on her own as well as assessed that she had a pulse. It seemed very natural for those instincts to kick in and for those to be the first things we assessed. 起初,这种情况发生在我们的航班上,我有点震惊. 我从来没有在飞机上经历过这样的事情. 此外,对我来说,回应这种情况似乎有点疯狂. It really put into perspective that I only have one semester left of school before I can independently take care of patients. It reminded me that it is my job to help people even in the most unexpected situations and in the most unexpected settings.” 

赛普斯补充说:“我感觉肾上腺素立即飙升,就像一个开关被打开了。. “I think the main thought that was going through my mind while I was helping her was ‘what can we do right now to keep this woman safe?’ I think everything we did revolved around the patient’s safety and keeping her free from harm the best we could. 我们每15分钟监测一次她的血压,疼痛程度,心率和呼吸. 总的来说,我们和她呆了一个半小时. We reported the findings back to the flight attendants and they kept a running document for EMS once they arrived. We also helped provide oxygen to the patient and checked her orientation once she woke up by asking her if she knew where she was at? 是几月份?? 日期是什么?? 总统是谁?? We also questioned her husband about any health issues she might have had to try to get a background of her health history. After this we gave her orange juice and oxygen until her levels of consciousness improved and her vital signs returned to normal range.”

Sipes, Zottnick, and the other medical volunteers stayed with the woman until the plane landed in Bismarck where EMS came on board to lift her into a wheelchair and roll her into the airport.

“The crew gave an announcement overhead and thanked the ‘medical team’ for responding to the medical emergency. 当我们走回座位的时候, 人们在鼓掌, 拍拍我们的背, 感谢你们为我们所做的一切,” said Sipes.

鉴于他们对病人的快速反应和周密的团队护理, 其他乘客可能以为赛普斯和佐特尼克是一对夫妻. Nope. 正是因为他们乐于助人,才使他们第一次走到了一起. 赛普斯在梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)接受了手部肿瘤切除手术,当时他还是一名高三学生. The compassion he was treated with made him want to help others in the same manner and become a nurse. 佐特尼克的祖母喜欢当护士, but her biggest inspiration came from watching nurses care for her younger brother who spent six weeks in a neonatal intensive care unit after being born.

“乔希和我是在MG冰球突破试玩护理学院大二的下学期认识的,佐特尼克回忆道. “Funny enough, 我们上的是同一所高中(俾斯麦的世纪高中), 但直到护士学校才有交集. 乔什和我在一起一年多了.” 

在四月毕业,积累了更多的经验之后, 佐特尼克不介意成为一名旅行护士,这样她就可以去其他地方看看, 赛普斯可以想象自己在重症监护室(ICU)工作. 但在他们进一步进入护理事业之前, they need to pass the NCLEX — National Council Licensure Examination — immediately after graduating. One hundred percent of Mary nursing graduates who took the NCLEX exam for the first time passed between April 2020 and May 2021, 排名第一. 2021年,这是三年内第二次由山地测量公司在该国开展的一个项目. Given the exceptional healthcare services they provided to this elderly woman on their flight, 佐特尼克和赛普斯应该有信心以优异的成绩通过NCLEX考试.

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关于MG冰球突破试玩: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. A private, 天主教男女同校机构, MG冰球突破试玩欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生.

A Christian, Catholic, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, MG冰球突破试玩提供近60个学士学位, 15 master’s, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, Education, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 19-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) conferences. 有3个以上,800 students, MG冰球突破试玩在北达科他州设有办事处, Montana, Arizona, Rome, Italy, 以及充满活力的在线服务. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

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